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How can I access the Big 5 Tool?

Learn how to access the Big 5 Tool to review your scores or redo the Big 5 assessment.

You can locate the Big 5 Tool by following the instructions below:

Step 1. Tap on the "tools" icon located on the lower right hand corner

Step 2. Tap on the "Big 5 Tool" icon.

Step 3. Scroll down to see "CONTINUE" and "REDO" options.

Step 4. Tap "CONTINUE" to learn more about each score and dimension.

Step 5. Tap "REDO ASSESSMENT" to redo the Big 5 assessment.

Step 6. To exit, tap on the "x" located on the upper right hand corner.

We hope this information is helpful. If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at support@ojilifelab.com.